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Despite considerable investments - primarily in alternative drive technologies - it is not possible to map our business model entirely without emissions. In cooperation with KlimaInvest Green Concepts GmbH, we have started to decarbonise our remaining emissions or make them climate-neutral. The CO2 emissions are offset by the KlimaInvest Green Concepts GmbH project portfolio. The supported projects are officially registered, follow the regulations of the Kyoto Protocol and are also certified according to the strict requirements of the independent and non-profit Verified Carbon Standard Association (VCS). In addition to the actual emission reduction and the switch to alternative drive technologies, we were able to make the emissions caused by the Bremer and Bremerhaven city transports completely climate-neutral. In cooperation with our partner "KlimaInvest", we select the projects in which the funds made available are reinvested according to criteria that have been worked out together. Social aspects play a role as well as regional aspects. An overview of the ongoing projects with further information on the following ongoing projects can be found below:

  • Região Norte, Brazil (protection and sustainable use of forests)
  • India (green electricity generation from hydropower)
  • Germany (green electricity generation from methane gas)